We are thrilled to announce that For Pete’s Sake Cancer Respite Foundation is returning again as a Cats Vs. Cancer Partner for 2020! That means for the entire months of February, March, April and May every cat video you watch here on our site, or direct donation you make via our “donate meow” page, helps us raise money in support of their mission.
Take a look below to see their story and to see some of the people they’ve helped since we last partnered with them – YOUR VIEWS and SHARES MADE IT HAPPEN!
For Pete’s Sake Cancer Respite Foundation enables cancer patients and their loved ones to strengthen, deepen and unify their relationship by creating unforgettable and last respite experiences. They’ve helped over 8,700 people since 1999! This year, they’re celebrating their 20th Anniversary since inception! Let’s help them make this year their best yet.

“FPS has helped me so much and I truly appreciate everything this organization has done for me. You’ve helped me realize that even though I have cancer, I need to take time for myself, take time to see new things, and take the time to help others!” – Alexis, FPS Traveler, Currently Fighting Cancer
Alexis, age 37, has been battling Chronic Myeloid Leukemia for ten years. She shared with us, “At first I was in denial and I refused to believe I was sick. I stopped going to my oncologist. I refused to take my medication. I felt like life was over.”
Alexis and her caregiver, her mom, had the chance to take a break from cancer in Baltimore, MD! They stayed in the Inner Harbor and had a fabulous time exploring the city together and enjoying each other’s company. Alexis told us, “(this respite experience) truly changed my whole outlook on life. We visited the most incredible local museums and restaurants, explored lighthouses, and learned so much about the city’s early history. I got to reconnect with my mom and explore our relationship on how my being sick has impacted her life, and how we would move forward once we returned home.”
In 1999, cancer took a man named Pete. But it couldn’t take his legacy.

Pete Bossow, Jr.
In the midst of his own battle with cancer, inspired by the kindness of his friends and family, Pete resolved to create an organization that would give adult cancer patients, their caregivers and their kids the emotional support and break from cancer they needed. He passed away before he could see his dream come to life. His wife, Marci, left her job as a practicing attorney and dedicated her life to making his vision a reality.
For Pete’s Sake’s respite experiences and take place in along the East Coast and in the Caribbean. FPS Travelers take a break from what life with cancer has become with doctor visits, surgery, tests and treatment. Through a unique gift of time together, they create priceless magical, memorable moments, experience immeasurable joy amidst devastating crisis, confront cancer hardships together and find emotional healing, hope and happiness during an uncertain and tumultuous time.
After the respite experience, FPS offers continued ancillary support during their cancer journey. Read more about these services on their “Support Beyond the Respite” page.
They help families recognize it is love, not cancer that defines them.
Sarah and her family traveled to Cancun, Mexico, on their respite experience! They had the chance to reconnect and have fun together as a family. Upon her return, she shared with us a beautiful testimony that genuinely helps to embody the FPS mission. “Looking forward to and enjoying this trip has helped substantially for me to cope with the trauma my family and I experienced in the past year. For me, this trip meant time for healing and the beginning of joy in the aftermath of cancer. Watching my caregiver and family on this trip reminded me deeply of who we are as a family and who I am as a person.”
She continued to write, “From the moment our sons heard about the possibility of the respite, they had something to look forward to. They both have had their lives changed. During this trip, we talked as a family, sought out special things each child wanted to do and enjoyed the little things together.”
She finished with the thought, “This trip showed our family that pausing to find joy is possible and highly recommended. Joy is not as far away as cancer can make it seem. Joy is in our family, who we are, and in everyday life when we pay attention to it. My focus shifted from “when will things fall apart again” to “at this moment, life is good.” – Sarah, FPS Traveler and Cancer Survivor
Patients are between 24-55 years old and must be nominated by a member of their oncology team. For Pete’s Sake has partnered with over 700 healthcare professionals at 250 hospitals/ cancer centers that have nominated to their program. One hundred percent of their nominating professionals report post-respite improvement in patient, caregiver and child’s outlook on cancer! Here’s some nominator feedback!
Read Christina’s full story here.
What a Cancer Respite includes:
- Up to one-week accommodations for the patient and primary caregiver, and for children of the patient, when applicable. FPS covers most expenses related to the respite, including all transportation costs. We work with each family to ensure that travel timing is feasible based upon treatment schedules and destination availability.
- Take a Break Bag, containing a generous cash stipend for the week, toiletries, writing journals, materials to encourage family communication and inspirational books to help make the respite meaningful emotionally and spiritually.
- A special Take a Break Bag for young children traveling on the trip, including snacks, games, encouraging notes from other children and activities and materials to promote communication about a parent’s illness.
- A photo keepsake that captures the memories of time together.
- Continued emotional support from FPS staff and volunteers, and referrals to other non-profit resources as needed.
And to see how your time spent on Cats vs Cancer will help For Pete’s Sake and all our other future charity partners, check out this video to see how it all works: