Celebrate Caturday With Cheerios Cat And More!

Our favorite day of the week, Caturday! Here’s a round up of random pics, memes and gifs paying homage to our favorite feline friends.

posted9 years ago
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It’s time for your favorite post of the week, Caturday Gif Gallery! These cute and funny cats are sure to put a smile on your face today…

Wake up with a lovely cat bath

Maybe get a cup of coffee, but be careful, it’s very hot!

How about a quick pump with Arnold?

These big cats got stuck with lawn duty today, but they seem to get easily distracted

But Cheerios cat here is having fun this Caturday sharpening his unique Cheerios balancing skills

If you loved these cats, please make sure to share it on Facebook with all of your friends! And if you don’t already know, the more time spent on our site watching cat videos and funny posts like this one helps us raise awareness and funds for this month’s cancer charity partner, The Breathing Room Foundation

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This month's charitable cause

Firefly Sisterhood exists to bring hope, healing, and light to the darkness that is breast cancer by making one-to-one, highly personalized matches between women diagnosed with breast cancer and inspirational survivors.  

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