Exclusive: Kori the Tuxedo Cat Critiques The James Bond Tuxedos

The world famous feline contends that 007 might be the world’s biggest copycat!

posted9 years ago
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The latest James Bond film, Spectre, hits theaters November 6th. Of course 007 is and always has been known for his stylish tuxedos.

So we invited someone who also knows a thing or two about what makes a good tuxedo, Kori The Tuxedo Cat, to talk a little bit about the style choices of James Bonds past and present. 


Cats vs Cancer: So, Kori what did you think the first time you saw Sean Connery as James Bond? Did you instantly see him as a rival?

Kori: Did you ever have someone openly compete with you? There you are, minding your own feline business and out of the blue, you’ve got a new adversary. Perhaps not in the traditional sense, mind you, but in a subtle calculating manner which would hardly be noticeable, yet obvious to a clever cat such as myself.

“Bond, James Bond,” was his first line in the first Bond film Dr. No in 1962. When Sean Connery said that line with such flair and such sophisticated elegance catch phrases from the movie were born and James’ character became a legend.

As a tuxedo cat, and on behalf of my ancestors before me, you can see where the conflict might arise. This gentleman was actively trying to copy my catly countenance! At first I thought it was in jest, a mockery, but then, in considering his intent, decided that the man was copying my handsome self. He had good taste I have to admit, and as they say, imitation is the highest form of flattery. Yet, my tuxedo is weatherproof, permanent dyes and worn with unequaled style and flair.


CvC: What did you think of his other dark blue, satin-trimmed tux in Dr. No?

Kori: I can’t believe he had the audacity to wear this while playing on a table.  Playing like a cat, mind you.  He was calculating, and I thought he might pounce at any moment. Baccarat is not anything an intelligent cat would engage in, I’ll have you know.  Dice maybe, but not a card game. I in some ways I am flattered, because a tuxedo cat is something to be admired, and clearly they all want to be one. 

CvC: What about Pierce Brosnan’s tux? Maybe people think he wears a tux better than any other actor to play the character.

Kori: I must say, he wears a tuxedo well. So well, in fact that as long as he played the Bond character he could not wear a tuxedo in other movies. It was in his contract. I found that trivia interesting. I think the men who have played James have a following in their own right. Most of them have worn tuxedos, but what is up with the blues and grays, striped or otherwise?

I must say that in no way can any of the tuxedos compare to my glossy, undulating attire.  James’s tuxedo finishes are not shiny like mine, rather lifeless in fact, and yet, underneath that fiber is a calculating agent intent on mimicking my beautiful self which, I might add, is beyond mimickable.


CvC: In “License to Kill”, Timothy Dalton’s Bond is wearing tails. As a cat you must have strong feelings about this distinction, am I right?

Kori: Personally, I think one tail is enough.  My singular appendage has served me well and inevitably catches the eye of the ladies.  My luxurious tail can be worn up or down and, when danger appears, can even signal a warning flick to my fellow felines.  It can be put on full thruster mode as quick as you can blink your eye and when full puffed up mode is deployed my weapons shoot out of my paws. James Bond’s tails just hang there. This really is no contest.


CvC:What about the ladies? James fancies himself as a charming debonair ladies’ man. Did he get that from you as well?

Kori: In my opinion, the ladies don’t fare well when rubbing elbows, or other parts, with this secret agent.  I, on the other hand, am a perfect gentleman. As a neutered male, refraining from Tom Cattery is a breeze.  Perhaps James could learn a thing or two from me, don’t you think?

I must say, I was quite taken with that lovely white Persian feline that appeared in, You Only Live Twice.

First of all, I would have renamed the film, “Nine Lives and Counting”. Here, finally, they had a cat, being a cat, acting like a cat, and there was not one single mention of her name, nor did they give her one line, not one “Meow” so to speak. That probably would have appeased me somewhat to have a feline star and I think she would have been very impressed with me, being the handsome, debonair gentleman I have been all along. No need to be anyone other than myself.


CvC: What about when James dressed in ruffles and lace in On Her Majesty’s Secret Service?

Kori: What in the name of blue-eyed cats is that all about?   He’s unpredictable, that’s what.  Granted, Scottish Highland dress is an alternative for black tie and he was masquerading as someone else, but that is what I mean.

CvC: Are you excited to see what James will wear in Spectre? 

bond craig

Kori: I’m waiting on pressured paws and with bated breath! Don’t you think I should get a little credit here for inspiring James’ costume?  Maybe James will have the generosity to list me on the credits of his new film.  I can’t wait to see how he portrays me this time.  After all, and in my humble feline opinion, the man is the world’s biggest copy cat! He should marry one tuxedo and stick to it. Preferable the white jacket, red carnation persona. It’s my favorite.


Photo credit: Veronica Patino

About Kori:

Kori lives with his special human, Veronica, her Mom, who is his typist, her Dad and two guinea pig brothers, Scruffy and Binx. His Facebook page is https://www.facebook.com/sylvesterthetuxedocat Sylvester, a tuxedo rescued in 2000, began the page in 2010 to, “Make this a better world, one purr at a time”. While Sylvester is no longer with us, Kori now carries on his work but Sylvester remains in our hearts, his name on our lips and he is present on the page. So please, come visit, enjoy and share Sylvester and Kori’s page and posts to keep his memory and work alive. The journey continues – be a part of the purrs to make this a better world.

Interview credit: Vicki Patino and Pat Provost

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