This Week’s Best From Social: #LoveWins Cat

Weekly roundup of the funniest and cutest Cats vs Cancer social posts!

posted10 years ago
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It was a historical week in our nation and here are some of this week’s top posts from our Facebook, Instagram and Twitter pages including #LoveWins Cat!

REMINDER:  Don’t forget about our big partnership with Oskar The Blind Cat & Klaus promoting their illustrated masterpiece Oskar & Klaus: The Search For Bigfoot. This month Cats vs Cancer will receive $5 for every copy sold so get yourself a copy right MEOW!

Oskar & Klaus CatsVsCancer Partnership

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This month's charitable cause

Firefly Sisterhood exists to bring hope, healing, and light to the darkness that is breast cancer by making one-to-one, highly personalized matches between women diagnosed with breast cancer and inspirational survivors.  

Donate with a Smile

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