Cat Demands His Humans Attention
This needy kitty won’t stop till he gets what he wants
This needy kitty won’t stop till he gets what he wants
This kitty always seems to put a smile on our faces
On the other hand if you dislike yoga, this cat improves the video tremendously.
You’ll wish you had a best friend like this too
Watch Cole & Marmalade give us some hilarious examples of cat logic.
Love might be an understatement here, watch for yourself
These cuties are sure to make your heart melt
Look no further, here is the cutest story you’ll see today
If you don’t think this is incredibly adorable, then we can’t help you…
Watch this cat defy gravity and climb this wall with ease!
You can be a gamer or a cat owner, but not both.
We all know only Mister Miyagi has mastered catching a fly
Ask any actor, movie death scenes aren’t easy to film, but this guy’s got it down pat.
You don’t want to miss this heart-warming video of a caring cat bathing his kitten
After watching this video you’ll probably have a sudden urge to eat some watermelon
Proof that sometimes all it takes is an ice-cold stare down to make a good cat video.
This will warm your heart and put a smile on your face
Timo the ragdoll cat loves hanging out with his stuffed yellow pal
Most pups can’t even do this trick but this kitty nails it
Bowl or Basket? either way this kitten will put a smile on your face