Cats vs Cancer is a non-profit site, run entirely by volunteers, built to help those battling cancer. Each month we take money raised through ads sold on the site, as well as your donations, and give that to a cancer charity.
Our mission is to be the most entertaining and fun charity on the planet. We will do this by curating the most hilarious, adorable, and captivating cat-things from around the web for your enjoyment and viewing pleasure.
For a more detailed explanation of how it all works, watch our “About Us” video below.
To see some recent press articles about Cats vs Cancer, click here.
And if you know a cancer charity you think could benefit from our help, to send us an email.
Tom O'Connor
A short time ago Tom realized two facts that many people already knew: Cat videos are the most fun thing to watch on the internet, and raising money for charity is awesome. Then he thought, wouldn’t it be great if you could do both at the same time? Thus, Cats Vs Cancer was born.
Eddie Peña
After years of maneuvering through the streets of the digital advertising superhighway, aka the internet, Eddie realized one thing...CATS RULE THE WEB! With that knowledge, he decided to join forces with the feline fuzzballs before they simply take over the world.