VOLUNTEERS WANTED: Join The Cats vs Cancer Team!

Here’s your chance to contribute to the coolest charity on the internet!

posted5 years ago
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Cats vs Cancer is looking for part-time volunteers to join the team! (And you can do it from anywhere!)

What we’re looking for:

Volunteers willing to make a 3-month commitment, for about 20 minutes a week. 

Ideal candidates are people like us who love cat videos and hate cancer. Someone who can create insightful and interesting content. Perfect for college students looking for writing experience.

Volunteers would make one post per week for 3 months. After that, if you love contributing to the site, we’ll discuss contributing on a more permanent basis! You can make posts from home, or from anywhere you have an internet connection. We’ll walk you through exactly how to construct a post and submit it for publishing on the site.

Again, it would be entirely volunteer since we donate 100% of our revenues to our monthly charities. In other words, your time spent helping out contributing to the site will be helping various cancer charities around the country.

To apply just send an email to volunteers@catsvscancer.org. Tell us a little bit about yourself, and why you’d like to contribute to the site. No prior website writing experience necessary, but feel free to include links to anything you’ve written. We’ll be in touch if we think you’d make a good addition to the team.



Cats vs Cancer is a certified 501(c)(3) non-profit, run entirely by volunteers, built to help those battling cancer.  Each month we take money raised through ads sold on the site, as well as your donations, and give that to a cancer charity.

Our mission is to be the most entertaining and fun charity on the planet. We will do this by curating the most hilarious, adorable, and captivating cat-things from around the web for your enjoyment and viewing pleasure.

For a more detailed explanation of how it all works, watch our “About Us” video below.

To see some recent press articles about Cats vs Cancer, click here.

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This month's charitable cause

Firefly Sisterhood exists to bring hope, healing, and light to the darkness that is breast cancer by making one-to-one, highly personalized matches between women diagnosed with breast cancer and inspirational survivors.  

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