Marmalade Has EPIC B-Day Party!

Marmalade survived cancer last year…So for his 2nd birthday he decided to go BIG!

posted10 years ago
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Our friends Cole & Marmalade have become household favorites here at Cats vs Cancer.  We can always count on these two adorable furballs to keep us entertained and put a smile on our faces with their cute/funny stock pile of videos.

This past year was a big year for Marmalade.  Not only did Marm BEAT CANCER, but this week he celebrated this great victory, as well as his 2nd birthday, the only way he knows how…in EPIC fashion!

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Firefly Sisterhood exists to bring hope, healing, and light to the darkness that is breast cancer by making one-to-one, highly personalized matches between women diagnosed with breast cancer and inspirational survivors.  

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